Okay then, it’s time for me to post something that can be used everyday especially for those people who have a Girlfriend already or for those who wants to be prepared to have one. I’m going to give you some few simple tips on how to be a little sweet to your partner. I know this is all so cheesy but trust me this is one way ticket to have a steamy night, Trust me I have been there.
Be Creative and Surprise Her.
- Girls love surprises; I don’t know why maybe it just travels down to their system. A girl has this gut feeling in knowing things that might happen but if you could catch her by surprise than you can expect a good reaction from her. Take her in a surprise date, or a romantic dinner, do some old school “Harana”, and many more. Just think of some new and exciting ideas and I’m sure she will love you for it.
Old Century Gentleman
- Nothing beats a very fashionable gentleman; I normally do this in a normal basis for me to get use to it. Open doors for her, pull out a seat for her, pick things that she drop, give her a sit inside the car, train, bus jeep, you can even carry her bag. When walking try to be on the road side to protect her from the speeding cars. This is something simple to do but it means a lot to a girl. Seeing you doing everything for her makes her smile for ages.
Have a Sharp Memory and Celebrate Important Events
- This is one of the things guys always forget. Girls especially pinay girls are very strict with important dates and events that resembles your relationship, like Monthsary, Anniversary, Birthdays, First Date, First Kiss, and many more. So if I were you I’ll keep a small note of all this important things and never ever forget to celebrate it. A Pinay girl wants their boyfriends to always remember special occasions because if you don’t then you will have a bad morning.
Surrender Your Ears to Her
- Never stop to find out about her. Always explore new things about her, asked her anything that would make her tell things about her then LISTEN. Listen to her when she tells you these stories. Remember to always make her talk first and never talk at the same time. A simple thing like asking how her day went is a very sweet thing for her. You will be surprised how she can manage to share a lot of information that will help you know her more. Be funny and be witty always make the conversation something to remember worthwhile. Like I always say Pinay girls loves to talk a lot and talking is also their weakness.
So here you are 4 simple things you can do that can make your relationship a little bit exciting and sweet. I know it’s not in my nature nor the nature of other guys I know especially in the PUA world but this types of actions are really damn effective to make her stick with you for a very long time.
-Don Wacky