I really need to make way to make this blog entry cause this definitely had my day smiling. I don’t want to make this long so the reason for this is that some shitty stupid Office mates of mine made gossips that I’m Gay...
Like what the fuck is wrong with the world now, it was my first time to even received that kind of a comment about me. I don’t know where the fuck they got that idea I don’t even know if that’s even reliable. I know this so absurd knowing that a lot people knows who and what I really am and what I do. Does knowing gay lingo or knowing things about girls makes me gay? They just don’t know a damn reason why I know this stuff.
Considering that its an all girl team who made this gossip they just don’t know who they are dealing with. Well enough with this I don’t want to spoil their fun and Just leave it that way. I don’t fucking care what they think, as long as hundreds of people who reads my blog knows who I really am and what I do with Girls...
I’m not mad or anything, I was just annoyed about it but at the back of it I have a big smile. Its like dealing with noobs, the only thing is that their boobs is bigger than their brains.