Okay I know I have been so lazy this past days or months. Don’t blame me for it I was so busy looking for a job, Thank God I have found one. So the next topic I made now is the proper way to look confident in front of a woman. This are just the few but it has the biggest impact. Confidence is one thing that every girl wants to see in a guy and if you don’t have it then your chances of getting her is on a minimal percent. So I’ll give you some idea to have some of that confidence and here they are:
1. Stand straight and Stand Still
If you move around left to right, forward and backward every time you talk or having a conversation you’re not going to come across confidently. Even if you’re the smartest, most intellectual dude on the place it won’t matter at all you always get kick out. So here’s are the things you need to know and do: Place your feet a little bit wider than the usual thing you do. Position yourself comfortable and align with your shoulder. It helps you not to move around always and a good base to do some other things.
2. Stop being Tense
This is very common to all dudes out there; have you ever saw yourself when talking with someone? Do you always do something with your hands every time you talk? Like playing with your pen or your mobile phone, scratch yourself, touch your face? If you do then please STOP IT! This so very unattractive especially in front of a girl it also shows your super lack of confidence. How to fix this is very easy just squeeze your thumb or any finger you have then just drop down your shoulders and let your arms relax on your sides with this you will look so natural and confident.
3. Always Look Straight
If you are nervous you intend to look around and it is very terrible to see. One of the key factor in self confidence is to able to have a good solid eye contact. Yes eye contact is a very vital thing to do. Keep your head up and look her in the eye and never lose contact keep it steady. This is something hard to do at first but a little practice can make a huge difference. Sometimes at start we look at a girl then a few seconds we break the connection but to boost up your chances don’t break the connection first let the girl look away instead of you. Putting a cheeky smile with it will surely give you a surprised on how the world will smile back at you.
4. Move with your Head.
Being smooth is so sexy to see, Jerking movements suggest anxiety and nervousness and it is very unattractive. To look confident just move your head on a slow and subtle sexy movement like nothing is bothering you at all this way you will look cool and relaxed.
5. Slow and Smooth Walk
Always teach and practice yourself to move slowly and smooth. By doing this it really shows a huge amount of confidence in you. Even if you are place on a crowded room a person that moves with grace style and smoothness will surely be the most attractive person on the room.
6. Smile
A guy with a good confident smile can make a huge difference among the rest. If you smile this shows that you are approachable and a person that is very easy to be with. This is something that girls like someone that they can just get with easily. So try to smile everyday or every time you meet and talk to a person you will notice a very positive response.
So this is just the few things that you can do that will make a huge difference of your daily life especially when meeting and dating a girl. So go and practice this I’m sure you will have a great day.