Someone asked me before regarding that all Girlfriends are the same. Just to help you out I categorized all the types of Girlfriends there are.
Sick Type: This girls are very predictable and miserable always, this type of girls always complaints, whiner and seems to be pale and ill every time. Things to remember that this type of girls can be so contagious which means you will as be as sick as her.
Smart Type: These are the demanding and commanding type of girls. The type of girl wherein she doesn’t request you to do anything but orders you to stand straight, change your clothes or even what you eat. These are the bossy and more like a Mom type of a girlfriend. Sometimes she is right but not a good one for your male ego
Nice Girl Type: A type of girl who enjoys everything you like. Everything you said she always agrees on them. Cheerful, kind and ready to forgive.
Shy Type: This girl can’t decide about anything in life. She needs you to decide what is good or bad for her the only thing is she gets perturbed easily too.
Screechy Type: Always shouts and yells at you every time. She only pays attention on you for quite some time after that she gets hysterical again. She is a Devil someone you need to stay away from.
Wild Type: These are the typical fast and city inspired girls a good pastime for a spell. Always ready to share drinks and some good conversations. This are fun girls to be with but very unpredictable in a long relationships.
Dream Girl Type: A type of girl that adores you and loves you always. She is just perfect, gorgeous and a perfect match. A girl with a good sense of humor is intelligent and uninhibited. A type of girl that you can only have in your dreams.
Whoever she is just be proud of her. Enjoy Guys.