Saturday, July 23, 2011

Subject: Guys Hate About Girls

Pleasant day to all, it’s been awhile now since I last posted a blog entry, I was really very2x busy these past weeks. I am actually on the process on making videos for
youtube, just to make my blogging a little more interesting. Hope that it would push through with a little help from some friends.

Anyways the topic for today is all about things guys don’t like or hate about girls. This is for all the girls that think guys are always attracted to them but in reality there are not.

It’s true that guys likes cute and adorable girls especially the hot ones but still guys have their own standards just like girls. These are the few that guys hate about girls.

Too much needy for attention.
-          A lot of the girls can be a real pain on the neck and guys just can’t help but get annoyed when you start complaining about almost everything. What you eat, where you eat, how you dress, how you fixed your hair, or even how you polish your nails. Honestly it’s a pain in the butt. This is just a way for girls to get a guy’s attention, Girl’s think that this is very effective but honestly it makes us guy’s become less interested every second.

Being jealous and nagging
-          I think it’s alright for a girl to ask a lot of questions and we guys would love to answer all of it, but if you ask the same question like a zillion times that is really very annoying. Girls should learn how to trust and have confidence. Being jealous is normal but girls should know how to act cool, and cool girls definitely are appealing.

Time eater
-          Everybody, I mean everybody hates to wait. Guys somehow understand why girls take hours preparing for a date although the results are very promising. Being a girl is not an excuse for being tardy. Making a guy wait for 5 to 15 minutes is very tolerable but if it takes an hour or more definitely we will be mad about it. Girls try to be a little considerate.

24/7 Super GF
-          We love a super girlfriends especially when we hangout with you but when you start to launch into a text marathon and checking us guys every minute is enough to drive us crazy. Look guys love a challenge and the more you show that your world evolves on us alone make you look like you don’t have other things to do. Be a girl who has a strong personality and has a life.

Making us mind readers
-          Saying something and mean another has been a woman’s trademark. Trying to be the cool shy type girl in a minute and then turn into an ice queen the next is really bothering us guys. We would always prefer a girl who will just say straight into our face whatever a girl feels. Honestly we don’t like to guess and make assumptions about what you think.

So there you have it, this are the few things guys hate about girls. Hope this would help understand the basic facts about the other side of a relationship.