Sunday, February 26, 2012

For Tea Girl

Hi Tea Girl

They say the most romantic love letter was never written in form or in paragraph. I was thinking of making one but I don’t know where to start. My heart was taken away in an instant, cold and absurd. I wonder why I feel sad, empty and alone. True love was never on my side, in times when I needed one. I was about to give up, I was already prepared to face the cold silent night of life. But you came; I can never describe the feeling that I have right now. It’s like two stars colliding with each other then Boom! A supernova was made. We came from different worlds, different story, different time but being with you feels like it was written by God. At first you were just a simple lady in front of a thousand crowds plain and white. Dreaming of you never came to me at first nor the 2nd time. Then I notice your eyes, sparkling like a diamond on the deepest part of earth, tempting and wanting to have like it was the rarest mineral ever made. Am I to geeky?

I’m sorry it’s just that it’s hard for me to say something in particular about you. Want to know why? Cause you’re my sweetest romance. I love everything about you, and all that is about to be you. I love how your name feels on my lips, the smell of your hair when it moves with the wind, the vision of your eyes when it touches my soul. I can make a thousand reasons why I’m so into you but one thing I want to say, something that I always tell myself and something that you should have known from the start. I am Deeply In Love with You. You’re the only girl who makes my heart beat faster and stronger. Every time I’m with you I feel so weak, you’re like my kryptonite powerful yet beautiful. I know I’m not your prince charming or that black night that you fantasize. What I have right now is just me, and that me will be that someone who will Love You Forever.

 I’m not Bruno Mars to tell you that I like you just the way you are, coz I never liked it on the first place, the truth is, I love you for who you are and what you are to me. I know I’ve been such a weirdo with you these past months but the truth is I’m just so deeply, madly In love with you. I never was into courtship, and I know you know why. But if I have to do the most basic thing in the world for you to know how I feel then I would gladly be a caveman for you. I don’t want to wish coz you were already in my dreams, and the only thing that I wanted to happen is for you to love me like the way I love you which is a reality.

Loving you,
Don Wacky.