Hello Guys, last month September I have conducted my own survey and I interview like dozens of girls from different schools. I asked them some random questions regarding on their relationships and how they wanted it to be. Surprisingly I have unraveled some deepest secrets that girls are hiding towards boys. Luckily I’m going to share it to everyone so that you won’t have that curious look in your face.
Actually this could put me in trouble just by sharing this one :D
And let me tell you guys this is not all theory okay, this came from a real girls mind.
Okay here it is,
“Girls Cheat a Lot”
I know people say that boys are dogs but if you think about it women have all that opportunity. If a girl wants to get a little piece of actions for herself, it's not hard it’s simple for her. If you aren’t doing it for her, she will and mostly gets her satisfaction somewhere else. Let’s just face it girls are much better in hiding secrets than boys they can even keep that angelic face they have.
“Girls Love’s Sex”
Yes you probably think that girls here are not a fan of the nasty thing but you’re wrong, they wanted it more than boys do. If ever you had a chance to see a girl having sex you will notice that she’s wanting for it longer and more than boys do, sex rocks for girls. Even if you will realized that girls is down with it they have this self defense coz they will just not give it away that fast. Women have evolved to be very careful about their choice in boys; they simply have a better conscious control over their desire than guys do.
“Girls want boys to approach them”
This is one thing what college boys don’t believe, boys always assume that a girl is busy or she’s not going to like me that sort of stuff so we are assuming things without even validating it. Boys don’t even bother to check it to see it for themselves and this is one reason why boy’s don’t approach girl’s because of this beliefs. Just asked yourself do you think girls are bothered or annoyed if boys like us are going to approach her and talked to her?
Here’s a survey from a PUA forums
“I asked a very attractive Asian girl what her experience with guys approaching her was:
I asked: How frequently do guys approach you?
She said: "This week I'd say 0 guys approached. They showed interest but ... weren't able to turn it into a conversation..."
I asked: How many wanted to approach but didnt?
She said: "Percentage-wise, I'd say 95%."
Interesting, huh?
Now, I know that a lot of guys will hear that and say, "Well that's just ONE woman. Most women don't feel that way."
This is true for every woman I've ever talked to.
Here are the facts from a recent survey:
41% of the women I asked said that they are only annoyed at guys when they're boorish and crude...
36% said they are almost always flattered by the approach...
22% said they were excited and happy to meet someone new.
And - get this - 0% (ZERO!) said that they are annoyed all the time when guys approach them.
I also asked them:
If you do go to bars, would you go to a bar to meet guys? Or something else?
35% said they went to have fun, but there was a possibility to meet someone...
65% said they don't really go to bars to meet men. They go to socialize and chill.
And - get this - 0% said they go to bars to meet men.
I personally think that every woman goes to bars with that hope in the back of her head that she will meet a guy, but it's not the primary reason she goes.
Women want men to approach them - and especially during the day - because most of the quality women don't go to bars to "pickup" guys.”
Anyways I hope you boys learned something about this one and take that curiosity about girls away from your mind
- DJ Wacky