A TURN ON, what is it actually? Well I’ll make a simple.
It’s an actual sign from her that she’s sexually excited and ready for you.
Turn on actually means to feel excited, and when you hear that from a woman, you’re
just a few steps away to glory. Here are just simple tips that you need to know
on how to TURN ON your girl.
Clear her mind
The only thing that can stop a girl from joining a sexual
outburst is her head. For women sex is far more mental than physical. The more
you make a women feel accepted, attractive and safe in any sexual act the more
comfortable they can be to be on that situation. When you provide a safe space
and allow a woman’s mind to free itself from insecurities she actually enjoy
being in the moment. If you ease her mind you’ll loosen her body.
Tell her what you want
Don’t be shy, be blunt and honest. When you actually tell
her what you want, that will really drive her will. Be a man and that’s what
exactly what you need to get around the bush.
Treat her like a lady
Be a gentleman, treat her with respect. Regardless if it’s
a one night stand or your partner for 5 years, no woman wants to feel being a
slut or a stupid female being used. Make sure to treat every woman with
Use your intelligence
Whip out your intelligence. Sometimes woman like guys who
knows a lot of things, its simple us talking things that you really know about.
Talking things with confidence can be a turn on.
Tease her in public
I’m not talking about pulling her hair or grabbing
things, Just try to loosen things up like for example; like being inversely inappropriate while in public. For example
white sitting across the table with your friends, you can slip your fingers up
her thigh and soften touch her, do this like for 15 seconds then removed your
hand. Do a couple of this once in a while in a night and for sure she will
attack you sexually.
Touch her softly
Touch her slowly, this thing gives her shivers but on a
more sexual way when a guy touches a girl all over her body slowly. Starting like
a massage on her feet then working your way to the top.
The main key on every sexual desire is really being
confident, no matter how many tricks you got on your sleeves these things won’t
work if you don’t have the balls to even do it. A man that is full of
confidence but not to the point of being over cocky is really an “A” to a woman’s
There are more a lot things or steps what can be used to
turn on a woman, but everything starts mentally. If you master the mentality of
providing pleasure and respect to all woman than you’re in the right track to
actually gaining something sexually.
More tips and tricks from your very own Don soon.