Okay I’ll make a short post regarding this since my niece
is asking me “Why guys prefer to have more Girlfriends than just one?”
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Subject: Is she a BITCH or NOT?
Hi Peter Pipers today I’m gonna share to you the worst
part of a girl or better yet her evil half which is called Feminus Obnoxium
otherwise known as “The Bitch”
Monday, November 14, 2011
Subject: False Alarm on my Post before this
By the way just to clear things up, regarding the post I made before this.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Subject: About Me on the Middle of the Year
Hi peepz,
What a century has gone by never imagined things would turn out this way. Before I start this thing I didn’t won any sweepstakes or lotto just to be clear on that.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Subject: Basic Body Language of a Girl
I’m still making my field report so hope this short blog entry will help.
A girl might lie with words but it’s often said that the body never lies no matter what.
Subject: Mistakes in Asking a Girl Out
Sorry for the late post, it’s been a rough week; one of my phones is broken, lost in a tournament then lost my girlfriend. This is one super bad month
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Subject: Lies All Women Tell
Hi there Monkey Hair, this would be another blog entry regarding girls. I’ve been in a deep emotional drama this past week’s that is why my blog’s are not updated. Anyway this blog is
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Subject: Guys Hate About Girls
Pleasant day to all, it’s been awhile now since I last posted a blog entry, I was really very2x busy these past weeks. I am actually on the process on making videos for
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Subject: Things to Remember on How to Start a Conversation with a Girl
Okay this is short but helpful, hope this could help a lot of guys.
Let’s just say you are in a mall, restaurant or in a bar then suddenly you saw the cutest girl ever that land sight in your eyes, or you saw the one girl that makes your heart beat faster, you saw her smiling and you want to go over to start a conversation. Let me tell you old fashioned pickup lines won’t work at all. Girl’s nowadays are getting smarter on every minute that pass so I have this few simple steps that you can use to start a conversation.
Get Some Balls
- This is the problem of all guys, they don’t have the balls. When you saw the girl that captures your interest you better act fast, don’t stand still and be stiff, you better move your ass up. Every second you waste is reflecting to your chances of knowing the girl.
Be Observant
- Not only that you need to set your eyes on the girl but also pay attention anything surrounding her. Like what she is holding, wearing or even the scent of her perfume. Small details such as those can be very much use as a good conversation starter. It can even help you get some ideas on things that show common interest between the two of you.
Be Leveled
- Be leveled with the girl, if you are the type who is talkative, cheerful or outgoing then start a conversation with a girl that is also the same as you. But this doesn’t mean that you need to narrow down your choices, you are still free to pick any girls you like; my intention on this is for you to get a girl that can be easily approached since you are already leveled with her.
Be Creative
- Start the conversation in a creative manner; Never ever start a conversation with a question that is answerable by yes or no. Always ask something that needs an answer in a form of a statement. You can even use props that is in your surrounding like what she is drinking, how she wore her outfit or even her thoughts about the place.
Be Smarter
- Girls won’t fall into predictable questions; better make yourself unique amongst any guys on the area who has interest on her. Never open questions that can lead into bad scene like asking about her past relationships. Choose your words carefully, coz from the point of approach till the point of having a conversation her eyes and ears are all locked into you.
- Lastly a perfect smile is always a good way to start something, it’s better to give a good first impression to a girl before a conversation start in that way she will be comfortable when talking to you
I hope this simple tips can do a lot for you, Every relationship starts with a good conversation so always be ready for it.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Subject: Beer Run for a Broken Hearted Officemate
I wanna share a story that just happened a month ago I guess, this is all about an office mate of mine who just got shot on the heart, not literally but she feels like having one.
Here Goes,
It was one normal working day for me, normal routine, normal breakfast and a very normal weather. I wore normal clothes, to be specific a very old not to fashionable stripe polo and black pants. My genius plan for the day was, wake up, work, go home then sleep. So I rode my way towards work for a very boring and lousy day.
I don’t need to share office hours since its boring so proceed to the exciting part, and before I forget this is not a field report so don’t expect tips and tricks from me now, I hope that is clear.
So 1 hour before the end of the shift a workmate of mine invited me to join them for a little fun since Jena is in a bad shape, emotionally. I remember her going to work that day with a pale face and an aura that can kill a clown’s face. I asked Jade what happened.
Don: What happened to her?
Jade: Well her bf broke-up with her
Don: Why?
Jade: I’ll tell you in a bit just come with us.
I hesitated to join them for some fun since it’s not on my normal schedule. So I tried to refuse the invitation but they waited for me till my shift was over, so I have no choice but to come and join them, besides they are all girls and they don’t have any male companion.
(Left to Right) Arvie, Jade and Jena)
So we went on, it was Jade, Jena, Arvie and me taking a bus across the street of our office going to Trinoma for some cold drinks.
We arrive in MRT North Edsa then took the foot bridge towards Trinoma, roam around for a bit then arrived in Gerry’s Grill around 6:00pm. The sky was almost at its end, getting dark and cold but fun.
We settled down on a nice square table near the balcony with a thick red tent like umbrella covering over us. A nice view over the deck and a decent crowd that occupies the area.
After we fixed ourselves it’s time for us to order the drinks, as we all know when you’re in Gerry’s its always preferred to have a Beer Tower over the table so we ordered one.
Every drink needs some food so we ordered the following.
Chicken Lollipop
Pork Sizzling Sisig
The order was sent so it’s time to talk about the problem.
We asked Jena what happened, so that we can try to give her advices and things to think about on how to move on with her problem. I can’t really discuss the problem since its private but one thing I can say is that her Boyfriend is such a jerk. It’s her boyfriend that broke up with her, well in my society that is quite normal but since I’m on the girl’s side then I can say that guy has his Ass over his face. I gave Jena some advices that can really help her to move on, like telling her that his not deserving for your care, that there are a lot of better guys than him, you know all the love stuff.
Arvie and Jade gave their advice as well similar to mine, if I sum up all our advices into a category it’s all about “Leave the Guy, find a Better one” I don’t normally give advices that will save the relationship, its more on finding a new and better one.
After all the heart ache discussion we replaced it with some fun moments, since our Beer Tower is already running out we ordered another one. It was around 8:30pm and still we are having some fun and happy moments, few minutes later a friend of Jade arrived on the scene, he was as tall as Jade, dark with a medium size body but he was very neat. Jade introduced him to everyone and we found out his name was Kim which was also known as (Popoy). Well his real name is Kim, the popoy thing is just their puppy names you know the sweeter stuff.
He joined us for some cold beer and some few great discussions, Kim offered some food so Jena and Arvie ordered this Spicy Clams (seriously I don’t know what it is) which was like one of the favorites of the area. Since the beer has gone dry and the girl’s won’t take another sip of it, Kim and I ordered 4 more bottles of beer just to seal the deal of the night.
Few visits on the comfort room then we called the waiter for our bill, it was around Php 1,500+. Luckily Kim with a big heart of generosity gave Php 1,000 and the rest was split into the 4 of us. Which in reality was a big money savings for us *giggles*.
It was around 10pm when we left the scene, some of the girls are tipsy some are not but who cares everybody enjoyed and had their stomachs full. We walk our way going towards the exit of Trinoma and towards the foot bridge going to SM North. Had our own way going home which ended the night with sheer fun and things to ponder.
The whole point of the story? Nothing much. Just trying to be a nice guy even though I'm not *evil laugh*
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Subject: Being Sweet With Your Girlfriend

Okay then, it’s time for me to post something that can be used everyday especially for those people who have a Girlfriend already or for those who wants to be prepared to have one. I’m going to give you some few simple tips on how to be a little sweet to your partner. I know this is all so cheesy but trust me this is one way ticket to have a steamy night, Trust me I have been there.
Be Creative and Surprise Her.
- Girls love surprises; I don’t know why maybe it just travels down to their system. A girl has this gut feeling in knowing things that might happen but if you could catch her by surprise than you can expect a good reaction from her. Take her in a surprise date, or a romantic dinner, do some old school “Harana”, and many more. Just think of some new and exciting ideas and I’m sure she will love you for it.
Old Century Gentleman
- Nothing beats a very fashionable gentleman; I normally do this in a normal basis for me to get use to it. Open doors for her, pull out a seat for her, pick things that she drop, give her a sit inside the car, train, bus jeep, you can even carry her bag. When walking try to be on the road side to protect her from the speeding cars. This is something simple to do but it means a lot to a girl. Seeing you doing everything for her makes her smile for ages.
Have a Sharp Memory and Celebrate Important Events
- This is one of the things guys always forget. Girls especially pinay girls are very strict with important dates and events that resembles your relationship, like Monthsary, Anniversary, Birthdays, First Date, First Kiss, and many more. So if I were you I’ll keep a small note of all this important things and never ever forget to celebrate it. A Pinay girl wants their boyfriends to always remember special occasions because if you don’t then you will have a bad morning.
Surrender Your Ears to Her
- Never stop to find out about her. Always explore new things about her, asked her anything that would make her tell things about her then LISTEN. Listen to her when she tells you these stories. Remember to always make her talk first and never talk at the same time. A simple thing like asking how her day went is a very sweet thing for her. You will be surprised how she can manage to share a lot of information that will help you know her more. Be funny and be witty always make the conversation something to remember worthwhile. Like I always say Pinay girls loves to talk a lot and talking is also their weakness.
So here you are 4 simple things you can do that can make your relationship a little bit exciting and sweet. I know it’s not in my nature nor the nature of other guys I know especially in the PUA world but this types of actions are really damn effective to make her stick with you for a very long time.
-Don Wacky
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Subject: Mocha's Blog

Tired of your usual routine with your wife, gf or just plain partner?
Well Mocha is here to help you out. Get the latest updates, tips and tricks on how to make your sex life a little spicer. Join Mocha and her friends explore the wonders of a good and lasting sex life. Visit her blog and expect a lot of goodies.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Subject: Video - Advanced Kino Hand & Arm by Love Drop
Kino techniques that are plain and simple but can be useful
Before everything else, What is KINO?
Quick Definition:
Kino Escalation is the physical escalation of kinesthetics (kino) with a woman, from the initial touch to sex.
Full Definition:
Kino is one of the most powerful nonverbal ways of communicating with a woman, and as such, is one of the key tools in the PUA’s toolbox. However, just randomly touching a woman will not necessarily get a PUA the results that he wants. Hence, there needs to be a logical progression to the escalation of kino.
Generally, one wants to begin kinoing by touching somewhere on a woman that is non-threatening and non-sexual. This is usually the hands or the shoulders, and can be done through hand shakes, high fives, playful pushes, etc.
As the woman grows accustomed to the PUA’s touch, he can then escalate to more intimate parts of the woman’s body, starting with the legs, then the torso, and finally the face and hair. From there, it is only a small step to go in for a kiss and move into direct sexual escalation.
While the above is a solid progression for kino escalation, it possible to skip steps along the process and jump directly into more intimate forms of kino, depending on the woman’s attraction and compliance levels. For example, it is possible to get into a sexual state and immediately go in for a kiss, without having previously established any kino. Making such a jump requires calibration, however, or it will result in a blow out.
A structured sequence for kino escalation is known as a Kino Escalation Ladder.
Source: http://www.pualingo.com/pua-definitions/kino-escalation/
Before everything else, What is KINO?
Quick Definition:
Kino Escalation is the physical escalation of kinesthetics (kino) with a woman, from the initial touch to sex.
Full Definition:
Kino is one of the most powerful nonverbal ways of communicating with a woman, and as such, is one of the key tools in the PUA’s toolbox. However, just randomly touching a woman will not necessarily get a PUA the results that he wants. Hence, there needs to be a logical progression to the escalation of kino.
Generally, one wants to begin kinoing by touching somewhere on a woman that is non-threatening and non-sexual. This is usually the hands or the shoulders, and can be done through hand shakes, high fives, playful pushes, etc.
As the woman grows accustomed to the PUA’s touch, he can then escalate to more intimate parts of the woman’s body, starting with the legs, then the torso, and finally the face and hair. From there, it is only a small step to go in for a kiss and move into direct sexual escalation.
While the above is a solid progression for kino escalation, it possible to skip steps along the process and jump directly into more intimate forms of kino, depending on the woman’s attraction and compliance levels. For example, it is possible to get into a sexual state and immediately go in for a kiss, without having previously established any kino. Making such a jump requires calibration, however, or it will result in a blow out.
A structured sequence for kino escalation is known as a Kino Escalation Ladder.
Source: http://www.pualingo.com/pua-definitions/kino-escalation/
Subject: Video- AMOG Tactics and Handling a Cockblock
You can use this to block guys who wants to hit on your girl. :D
Seriously if you have a date or a girl that you always hangout with inside a bar, club or any other crowded places and you feel like there's a lot of jackass wants to steal her from you. This basic AMOG tactics can really do a thing to help you cock block all other guys. Watch the Video.
Seriously if you have a date or a girl that you always hangout with inside a bar, club or any other crowded places and you feel like there's a lot of jackass wants to steal her from you. This basic AMOG tactics can really do a thing to help you cock block all other guys. Watch the Video.
Subject: Eye Reading- Basic Eye Reading Techniques

What a good day for me to teach you guys how to read your GF’s, Lady Friends, Best Friends or just plain friends eyes. They say that the eyes are the window to our souls and that’s true ever since before I have been using this reading technique for a very long time. I have started with just plain eye reading up to reading body language then some advance eye power technique but this time I will teach you the basic ones
So here’s the low down our eyes will position themselves depending on how we think. By just observing or watching other people’s eyes you can tell what they are thinking and if they are lying.
Some people who are very good at it really exceeds on the dating scene. Let’s say for example a guy is having a date with a girl, the guys can tell if the girl likes him or not by just looking into her eyes. The behavior of the eyes is fairly predictable, when you or someone will have an eye contact during a conversation there’s a small moment there where you think. That brief moment while they access information in their brain, and their eyes will move to a predictable position.
So this are the different eye position you should watch our and learn.
Eyes looking on the Upper Right (1st person upper-left)
-When you see this that person is visualizing objects, colors, movement or anything that pertains to your conversation.
Eyes looking on the Middle Right (1st person left)
-When you see this that person could be remembering a song, sound of a voice or a particular noise.
Eyes looking Down Right (1st person down left)
-When you see this that person is trying to think about what they are about to say next.
Eyes looking Upper Left (1st person up right)
-When you see this that person is constructing a picture in their head.
Eyes looking Middle Left (1st person right)
-When you see this that person imagining unheard voice sounds or putting together a new melody.
Eyes looking Down Left (1st person down right)
-When you see this that person is thinking about their feelings
This is the best part!
How to detect someone is lying?
To know if the person you’re talking to is lying it is important to understand how their eyes move normally and then take notice when the behavior of these changes. Example the person you’re taking to is telling about her recent night out and is looking upper right describing the lights and the place inside the bar. Suddenly her eyes move to the upper left and she tells you about this guy he met during she was hanging out there. There is a very good chance that she is lying about that guy.
A lot of girl’s are good in lying; they can mask the signals of a lie. Try to watch their eyes, they will sometimes maintain eye contact while telling a lie, or will shift them away from you. Just observe and take note on how their eyes move when they tell the truth then compare it this to when you think they are lying.
Simple techniques like this can boost up your social life and a very good asset for you when communication in person, but always remember try not to abuse it its always great to just the conversation normal and just expect the unexpected.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Subject: Field Report- 1st Encounter on my 1st Month on the Job

Okay I know its been awhile since I posted some field reports. So I have a short story that just happened lately, so here it goes.
It was just a typical working day and I was surfing my facebook to find somebody to be with who is online when I came across a lovely lady I met back in our office which I added on my facebook earlier weeks. So I sent her the basic messages like "Getting bored?". I doubted like several times that I would get a reply from her considering that I just met her like a couple of days earlier and I was surprised to get a message from her.
We talked like a few minutes and she asked me to come over her working place and hang out with her which was like the other side of the road. So since it was a descent invitation I took the offer told her that I will fetch her next thing in the morning since our shift will end at 6AM. After the shift I stood outside for a few minutes then I started walking towards her office to fetch her which was a little exciting. So as she came out from the building I was surprised to hear this from here "Come with me on my apartment"
When I heard that line I felt like it was my birthday. So we took a cab then head down towards her apartment, it was somewhere near Quezon Ave. I got to the apartment and she was the only person there living and I was like WOW!!! this is the best day of my life. We sat down near the dining area and she was like telling me all about her relationships and fantasies. A few minutes later I thought of stealing a kiss, so I grab my balls and kissed her on the chicks. After that she told me "You can do more in bed" So I was like "HOLY SHIT!" I just won a jackpot and I don't want to miss this opportunity. So I followed her towards this small slim single bed. It got even better when she told me "you can stay her up to tomorrow" Again it was music to my ears.
I didn't waste anytime so I make out with her and the respond is extraordinary, it lasted like 3 hours and this was like the furthest make out session I had ever been. Little did I know it was just getting started.
After the whole kissing and cuddling I asked her "what are you thinking?" she said: "I was thinking that you and I were having sex" Well I already know that because she was like touching me everywhere and allowing me to touch her also.
I asked if she wants to do it and she said yes.
So we started making out like there was no tomorrow even though we just met like for 5x. I started working my way on her from her lips down her chest, down her belly and I started rubbing her, as soon as she moaned I know this was the right time to make it happen. I took down her panties and place my dick on her wet pussy. I couldn't remember how far we went but I assure she had a really good orgasm that made me feel like "Another Nice Job"
After the whole thing I try freshen my self up said my goodbyes and left her apartment. Leaving with great memories and a grin in my face every time we see each other in the office.
-Don Wacky
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Subject: Men's Merchendise - Axe Provoke Body Spray

Good Day guys,
Anyway finally I had the chance to sit down and face a computer to write something up for my blog. My topic for today is all about the new product launch by AXE which is the AXE Provoke body spray, normally I don't promote certain products over my blogs but this one really captures my attention. Seeing the commercial of it gives you an idea what Axe really is all about. I've seen a lot of Axe commercial but this one really stands out from the rest.. Anyway its not about the commercial but its all about the product. I bought a large and a small size can spray and I'm telling its all worth of your money. The scent of Axe provoke is something that is not masculine or tough to smell for guys just as ourselves but it gives a seductive aura to any girl who smells it. It works like a magnet, I had used it in a normal basis when going to work or just hanging out and I get positive response to girls I came up to. You won't here any compliments like * you smell good* or *I like your smell*. It just simply pulls out the inner feminine side of her. Seriously this product is really something, I recommend this to all PUA's and normal dudes who just want to smell and look good beside any women.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Subject: 69 Days in a Call Center
Hey there, just want to tell something about my life now back in the call center industry. Yes ladies and gents I'm back on the wild side of manila. A world were only the bitches rules and the men paid to pleasure every lonely woman there is.
Its my 3rd week now and things are getting a little out of hand. Anyway unlike the past call center job I'm on the non voice department and the good thing is I'm not an agent now I work as a Sales Verifier under the Quality Assurance department isn't that exciting? I got the chance to step on every agents butt.
Anyway this things are new to me now but its something to look forward too. I got lots new friends now some are good some are a little psychodelic immature crowd but I can handle them. I know there is a lot of exciting things to happen and I can't wait for them to come true
For all my readers, don't be lonely I had a great story to give which just happened 2 weeks ago its sexy and hot so you might wanna get your poker face back into shape.
Once I had my computer back to working condition I'll be making those true life stories again Ciao...
Its my 3rd week now and things are getting a little out of hand. Anyway unlike the past call center job I'm on the non voice department and the good thing is I'm not an agent now I work as a Sales Verifier under the Quality Assurance department isn't that exciting? I got the chance to step on every agents butt.
Anyway this things are new to me now but its something to look forward too. I got lots new friends now some are good some are a little psychodelic immature crowd but I can handle them. I know there is a lot of exciting things to happen and I can't wait for them to come true
For all my readers, don't be lonely I had a great story to give which just happened 2 weeks ago its sexy and hot so you might wanna get your poker face back into shape.
Once I had my computer back to working condition I'll be making those true life stories again Ciao...
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Subject: Why Pick-Up?
Well being a pick up artist is not just, picking up girls on a bar or clubs or any place there maybe, its more like a social interaction. Knowing a few tricks and tips about seduction and attraction can really boost up your confidence. It all depends actually on why you want to learn to be a pick up artist but for me its all about meeting and greeting people you see everyday :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Subject: Online Diary – They said I’m Gay?

I really need to make way to make this blog entry cause this definitely had my day smiling. I don’t want to make this long so the reason for this is that some shitty stupid Office mates of mine made gossips that I’m Gay...
Like what the fuck is wrong with the world now, it was my first time to even received that kind of a comment about me. I don’t know where the fuck they got that idea I don’t even know if that’s even reliable. I know this so absurd knowing that a lot people knows who and what I really am and what I do. Does knowing gay lingo or knowing things about girls makes me gay? They just don’t know a damn reason why I know this stuff.
Considering that its an all girl team who made this gossip they just don’t know who they are dealing with. Well enough with this I don’t want to spoil their fun and Just leave it that way. I don’t fucking care what they think, as long as hundreds of people who reads my blog knows who I really am and what I do with Girls...
I’m not mad or anything, I was just annoyed about it but at the back of it I have a big smile. Its like dealing with noobs, the only thing is that their boobs is bigger than their brains.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Subject: How to steal a Girl with a Boyfriend

Ever thought of having that girl you just saw in a mall to be with you? Sounds fun right? The only problem is she has a boyfriend already so does this mean you have no chance already? Feel like giving up already? Don’t lose hope yet I have a few tricks that can help you solve that problem. This are some ideas on how to get the girl break up with her boyfriend and hook up with you instead. It may sound rude but you know the best things in life are for free. *giggles*
Just follow these steps properly:
1. Have a Good Contact
Find ways to be on her circle of friends maybe during her lunch. If she is working try to visit her frequently like you are some kind of a customer. There are so many ways to do this just be creative just making sure you are like a part of her daily life. This is all about her not you if she doesn’t want you to be there then just excuse yourself.
2. Get her Contact Details
There are so many methods now like phone number, mobile number, facebook twitter IM and many more. Try to get one of those that she always uses or the easiest way to communicate with her. This is the start of your one on one relationship with her. Always be innocent about it and remember that you are no more than just friends so don’t go beyond that first.
3. Patience
Try to work your values with her until she sees your good points. Slowly and clearly chip away her thoughts about her boyfriend bringing out the bad sides that she didn’t knew but don’t exaggerate them like it is so obvious. In this way you will be helping yourself insert and encourage doubt about her current relationship. Let’s say make a comment about something you didn’t like about your past girlfriends to see if she agrees or identifies with her own relationship. With this simple way you can influence her to think negatively about her boyfriend. Letting her know that you are interested and willing to give her everything she is lacking with current relationship.
4. Make a Move
Timing is everything so always think advance. This is the time to crux the whole deal, one false move and you’re totally done. Just play it right and perfect.
5. Cook Up her Guilt and Doubt till she breaks up
After this it’s only a matter of time and patience then everything will be into place. Try not to mess it up and just wait for it.
These are just 5 simple steps that can surely help you get that girl from someone. Also try to get her friends behind you make them your friends also. This new friends can help you encourage her more to break up with her current boyfriend.
Maybe you can even look for her boyfriend’s enemies and ask them to help you out with her since they don’t like her boyfriend at all.
Anyway hope you could play this cards right, I have done this like a dozen times already no matter how many guys are chained on her there is always a way for you to have her in a very simple way. Have fun!
Subject: How to look Confident

Okay I know I have been so lazy this past days or months. Don’t blame me for it I was so busy looking for a job, Thank God I have found one. So the next topic I made now is the proper way to look confident in front of a woman. This are just the few but it has the biggest impact. Confidence is one thing that every girl wants to see in a guy and if you don’t have it then your chances of getting her is on a minimal percent. So I’ll give you some idea to have some of that confidence and here they are:
1. Stand straight and Stand Still
If you move around left to right, forward and backward every time you talk or having a conversation you’re not going to come across confidently. Even if you’re the smartest, most intellectual dude on the place it won’t matter at all you always get kick out. So here’s are the things you need to know and do: Place your feet a little bit wider than the usual thing you do. Position yourself comfortable and align with your shoulder. It helps you not to move around always and a good base to do some other things.
2. Stop being Tense
This is very common to all dudes out there; have you ever saw yourself when talking with someone? Do you always do something with your hands every time you talk? Like playing with your pen or your mobile phone, scratch yourself, touch your face? If you do then please STOP IT! This so very unattractive especially in front of a girl it also shows your super lack of confidence. How to fix this is very easy just squeeze your thumb or any finger you have then just drop down your shoulders and let your arms relax on your sides with this you will look so natural and confident.
3. Always Look Straight
If you are nervous you intend to look around and it is very terrible to see. One of the key factor in self confidence is to able to have a good solid eye contact. Yes eye contact is a very vital thing to do. Keep your head up and look her in the eye and never lose contact keep it steady. This is something hard to do at first but a little practice can make a huge difference. Sometimes at start we look at a girl then a few seconds we break the connection but to boost up your chances don’t break the connection first let the girl look away instead of you. Putting a cheeky smile with it will surely give you a surprised on how the world will smile back at you.
4. Move with your Head.
Being smooth is so sexy to see, Jerking movements suggest anxiety and nervousness and it is very unattractive. To look confident just move your head on a slow and subtle sexy movement like nothing is bothering you at all this way you will look cool and relaxed.
5. Slow and Smooth Walk
Always teach and practice yourself to move slowly and smooth. By doing this it really shows a huge amount of confidence in you. Even if you are place on a crowded room a person that moves with grace style and smoothness will surely be the most attractive person on the room.
6. Smile
A guy with a good confident smile can make a huge difference among the rest. If you smile this shows that you are approachable and a person that is very easy to be with. This is something that girls like someone that they can just get with easily. So try to smile everyday or every time you meet and talk to a person you will notice a very positive response.
So this is just the few things that you can do that will make a huge difference of your daily life especially when meeting and dating a girl. So go and practice this I’m sure you will have a great day.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Subject: Types of Girlfriends

Someone asked me before regarding that all Girlfriends are the same. Just to help you out I categorized all the types of Girlfriends there are.
Sick Type: This girls are very predictable and miserable always, this type of girls always complaints, whiner and seems to be pale and ill every time. Things to remember that this type of girls can be so contagious which means you will as be as sick as her.
Smart Type: These are the demanding and commanding type of girls. The type of girl wherein she doesn’t request you to do anything but orders you to stand straight, change your clothes or even what you eat. These are the bossy and more like a Mom type of a girlfriend. Sometimes she is right but not a good one for your male ego
Nice Girl Type: A type of girl who enjoys everything you like. Everything you said she always agrees on them. Cheerful, kind and ready to forgive.
Shy Type: This girl can’t decide about anything in life. She needs you to decide what is good or bad for her the only thing is she gets perturbed easily too.
Screechy Type: Always shouts and yells at you every time. She only pays attention on you for quite some time after that she gets hysterical again. She is a Devil someone you need to stay away from.
Wild Type: These are the typical fast and city inspired girls a good pastime for a spell. Always ready to share drinks and some good conversations. This are fun girls to be with but very unpredictable in a long relationships.
Dream Girl Type: A type of girl that adores you and loves you always. She is just perfect, gorgeous and a perfect match. A girl with a good sense of humor is intelligent and uninhibited. A type of girl that you can only have in your dreams.
Whoever she is just be proud of her. Enjoy Guys.
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