Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Subject: Lesson of the Day – Sex in Reality

Every guys sexuality are often found easily due to strip clubs, porn websites, magazines and many more, but despite of all this, we men kept our desires repressed often.

A guys mind thinks sex more than every girl's imagination. Some people like teachers think of fucking their students, fathers fucking their daughter’s friend, doctor’s think about fucking their patients. This is the kind of reality that every man should accept. On every woman walking around the planet there is always a man dreaming of her and fucked her all the way. Even if that guy doesn’t know that girl or that girl doesn’t know that guys. Every girl is a victim, a student walks in front of a guy as she passes that guy is already raping her by imagination. The greatest lie that a girl should see in this modern world of dating is that in order to have sex with a girl, a man must pretend in all means that he doesn’t like the girl.

Most appalling to women is the male obsession with teenage girls or hot woman. If all men really desire a woman like that, then the marriage and happily ever after fantasies is far from reality. Most men would see a girls face then pretend that he likes her even though his agenda of fantasies is in her body.

Luckily, this is not the end of the story, Men are visual thinkers, we always get deceived by our own eyes, but the truth is that the fantasy is often better than the reality. I had just learned that lesson. Guys like us are not animals. We merely think we are and, on occasion, act as if we are, but, by believing on our nature, girls have the amazing power to inspire us till we live through. This is one reason why men tend to fear commitment and sometimes, as in my case, even if I rebel against it by endeavoring to bring out the worst in a woman

-Dj Wacky